Drakes United Methodist Church

Serving Flowood Mississippi

Pastor Glenn Hoskins

Come Join the Journey!!!

Mission Statement: We at Drakes are called to be fishers of men and to love the least of these so that all may have more abundant lives.

Our Beliefs: Saved for Good Works

Introduction: As we explore the beliefs of Drakes UMC, it is helpful to contrast Drakes with other church cultures in the United States. One of those characteristics of a church is what type of characteristics do we promote within our congregation. Here is one of those characteristics.

We believe at Drakes as did James the half-brother of Jesus that as we respond and accept through faith the Good News; the Good News that forgiveness is offered to us through the blood of Christ, and by excepting this gift of grace comes an eternal relationship with Christ. We believe that we are saved by faith, and not by good works. It would belittle the sacrifice that Christ made by becoming human, being abused and disrespected by the church leadership, and eventually suffering on the cross for our sins, if we think we can earn our way into heaven. There is nothing we can do that would come close to this great sacrifice Jesus, the Son of God, made. We also believe that the faith required to achieve a saving relationship requires that our heart truly accept this gift and the challenge that comes from it. For instance in the relationship with Christ, Christ did not invite us into a relationship where we are on equal footing with God. It establishes an intercessor on our behave sitting at the right-hand of God Himself. It gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us, if we will just listen for that small, still, quiet voice. But more importantly, when we invite Christ into our lives, it is to be king and ruler over our life. Christ does not want us to just proclaim Him as King of kings, but our personal King. He wants us to become a part of His kingdom and to follow Him. Following Him means looking after each other, helping the helpless, building up His kingdom, loving God with all your heart. These things show up in the the things we do and are what Jesus calls good fruit.

Lastly, the good work we are called to are not for our glory but for the Glory of God. The emphasis in helping the helpless should be not only to build up God's kingdom but to glory God in all things we do. We do these things because of God's righteousness and grace, not out of our own righteousness.